In the garden of the Lord he planted some bulbs too.
All had to go into the dark earth, to be able to get to leave and flower later.
Than Spring came, and some small, quick ones came into bloom, praising the fresh air and the room they had, thinking it was all there was created.
Next came the later bulbs, and they did see, there were leaves on the trees, and the later ones still did see the blooms in there too.
And still, there were some bulbs, laying dormant, wanting to bloom too, although not their time yet.
They did struggle with the darkness, the ongoing season and their own still being in the dark.
Until summer came, and all others did loose their freshness, the leaves already discolored and out came the Cyclamen, who had waited until autumn, to give the world her beauty before the dark days of winter, just as The Lord had made it.
And only now the Cyclamen did understand her struggle and waiting time.
And she also understood, she had her own beauty and place in His eyes.
And we?
We do enjoy this flower of autumn, delicate, although late in season.
We are thankfull for her beauty...
copyright Nan van Daalen