Monday, September 12, 2011

Chapter 15: Colors and crystals again.

Chapter 15: Colors and crystals again.

The next morning seemed to go slow: Lilo did not like her breakfast and Violet was crying, something she almost never did.
Billy looked to mom and dad helplessly, not knowing what to do.
Petra, who in Homeland also had a little sister, acted, unseen by the others, like she was slowly rocking the baby.

Billy thought, he could ask and try, so he said: “would it help If I rock Violet a bit, so she falls asleep?”

Mom wondered, but thought, that Billy had not said or played very much with his sister, like Lilo had done, but had seen hér doing so.

“Yes please, Billy, for daddy has to go to his project with the others. Than I can have a look what is wrong with Lilo. Nemo will understand, if you tell him why you are late.”

So for the first time without anybody watching but Petra, Billy took Violet in his arms, and slowly rocked her, singing softly a little song, he remembered mom singing when he had been small.

“Little, little sheep, do you have some wool? Meh, meh, yes three bags full, one for the morning and one for the old, and one to huddle in, when I’m going cold.”

Slowly Violet calmed down, while she did suck on Billy’s finger, like she sometimes did with mom or Lilo too.
Than he discovered something strange: Violet did not have teeth yet, and still there was a hard spot in her gum.

So when mom came back, after putting Lilo back to bed, he asked: “When do baby’s get teeth, mom? It does feel hard in her mouth!”

Mom took over Violet and said: “Well, Violet is starting to get them early than. And it hurts a bit, while they have to go through the skin in her mouth, that’s why she is crying. And Violet is getting a bit ill, but do not worry, I did send for the healing lady. So thank you for helping out, and now go to Nemo quickly, so he has not to wait to long for you."

When Petra and Billy were outside, Billy did thank Petra and asked: “Hoe did you know?”

“Well, I have younger siblings too, and we are taught to help too” but the question made her smile.
"Sometimes I do miss the little ones, so I am glad, you do have 2 sisters, that does make it more easy for me. Let’s run, who is the first at Nemo’s!” and of she was.

At the same time they arrived at Nemo’s, although Petra started running a little bit earlier.
There Billy wanted to know first: “What is a sheep? I remember mom singing that song, but what IS a sheep?”

Nemo looked at Perta, if she did know, for he already was busy with colors and crystal shapes.
So he went on, while Petra said: “that is an animal.
On dry land or the world above, they are kept, while they grow a thick coat of wool each year.
When not with people, they just loose this heavy coat by rubbing against ruff surfaces, but people had learned to cut the wool of, when the days got to hot, so they could make clothes of it.
And some people did eat not only vegetables and fish, but also meat from certain animals, sheep to.”

“Oh, I just do eat, what is on my plate and never do ask mommy what it is. May be I should have?” he answered.

“Well, when you are old enough to go to the growing bubble, you learn also about that. While there is, where all things we do eat grow, some small animals too.
But we seldom do eat them, besides fish.
We do think, that is not so necessary.
People above do eat a lot more of it, although more while they do like it very much, as while they need this every day” Nemo said.

“But now come, and tell what made you late today.”
So they did tell about Violets coming first tooth, and Lilo being a bit ill. Than they had their attention to the colors, on Nemo’s drawing.

“It does look, like there is a certain follow up in colors, you did use on that … what is it? A stick?”

“That is an axel.
An axel is something, around what something else is rotating.” He answered.

“Like the ball a few days ago?” Petra said?
“That is right. In the rotating of the ball, you could not see the axel, but it is there too.
For all things have a center, a ball also, even when you can not see it.
And a ball also has an axel, that makes it go round, like I did show you.
Our world does have that too.
The bottom end is called the south pole and the top end the north pole.
So the world rotates between 2 polar ends. This way it is created.
This axel has the colors you see in this stick, as you call it.”

“Has that a reason?” Billy asked, and Petra also looked very interested, like she had not heard so before.

“Yes, in this whole world this is a time and again repeating pattern. It works in all there is.” Nemo said.

“That often, you say it twice?” Petra asked.

“More often, as anyone does realize” was the answer.
“It does belong to this world, and each other world has a slightly different pattern of colors. But that is not interesting for now.
What we are going to do, is finding a sequence of crystals that precisely matches this sequence.”


“The same follow up of this line.
We used to have, in the days the Atlantians still did live above ground, a supply of each crystal, so we could choose.
Now we have to do, with what the friends come up with at the Pow Wow.
So it has to be done very carefully, this drawing.
You two can help, by wearing gloves again, and looking for the right colors crystal.

And yes, you get a small pencil, and a piece of paper to note down, the names of the crystals, and the colors you did find.
But do not press to hard, otherwise the core of the pencil does brake, and it is gone before it need to be.”

Again it was like a game of hide and seek: the crystals were hidden over several pages, while they also had different shapes with the same kind of colors.

Than finally, when all was written down and colored by Nemo to his satisfaction, he told some more.
Billy and Petra were ready to listen, tired from concentrated searching.

Than Nemo explained: “all does have a kind of axel, the earth, but also a human.
In a ball, you can imagine it very easy, by just putting a stick trough it.
That would be hard in an human, would it?”

Both laughed, but were to interested to intervene.

“So the axel in a human lays in the backbone. There it is protected by bone.
And it does have the same colors from down to up.
In a human the places, where those colors are the brightest, are power-centers, called chakras.
There goes the energy in and out, up and down, the easiest.
That does help to keep your body healthy.

People do use nowadays sometimes crystals again, luckily, like we used to do, although not with the force, we could use, and luckily some of us still can.

The world also has such an energy going on, like I did say before.
Not much people can see this, so you do have to believe me, when I do say so.
In the earth, there belongs those crystals in the same follow up.
That is deep inside, and humans have not the skills to delve that deep to our luck, so the most important big crystals still are in the right place.

Only the purple-pink healing crystal, the one that belongs between the purple and the white top one, was lost, and now is found in the box of the Lady.

To try out, if the system with a little help can be healed a bit, before the time we are allowed to show ourselves again in our predictions, we are going to try to lay it on as much places on the earth, and on maps of the earth, the right stones.

For that we are going to use, what we do have of the list, you two just made.”

“You do say so, Nemo, but I never have seen colors around a human,” Billy said.

Petra laughed: “In Homeland there are more people, who can see that, not all, just a few. Perhaps that is just so with humans, Nemo?”

He nodded, scratched behind his ears, as if he tried to remember something, and said: “Ah, yes, in the house of knowledge is a machine, that will show you.
Lets go there, and take the color-stick and your list with us, so we can compare, if we did our job well.”

They went, and in the house Billy did lay his hands on two tablets, than Nemo turned a switch and suddenly it did look, like there was a boll of colored light around Billy.
Petra and Nemo held the color stick besides it, and it nearly matched, only the pink one was missing.

“You see, that's the one in the Lady’s box, it was not in the book.
Shortly, when I have hopefully seen it, it will be again, otherwise one of you two will have to draw a precise drawing for me” he said, and switched of the machine.

“That was awesome!”Billy said. “Can I tell at home I did learn about this?“

“You can tell about the axel of the world and the colors of your body, while your mom and dad also do know about that.
They did work with them on dry land already. They did call this Kirlian photogaphy. But you cannot tell, why we are researching this right now.”

“Investigating, finding out how and why it works,” Nemo answered.

Now lets go back to the normal classroom, and finish the drawing for the Lady.
We only have one more day after this to finish it.
Remember, the night after this one is the great Pow Wow, you 2 are expected with this answers.
So take care to sleep very well tonight.
Yes, I do know you sometimes talk late, while you have to do that when the others are not around, except me. But not tonight. Promise?”

That they did, knowing there was a lot to do still, before all the Lady did need from them was done. And they had no intentions to break that promise to the Lady and all the others.

© Nan van Daalen, all rights reserved.

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