Chapter 19: The big ending ceremony of the Pow Wow.
Billy and Petra had really a nice time. In between they had to go to their own flag, while the sacks with material for Nemo became to heavy.
Than they took just new ones, and went on, looking, asking, dancing dances from all over the world.
They did taste food, that also was so very different from what Billy was used to, he had to be careful not to eat to much, for his tummy was very full after trying so much different things!
Luckily there was another circle, that had a pool, so they did meet Purple again, who dared them to swim for speed, not showing, she easily could have won each contest. After that Billy was hungry enough to try another bite when he did see something, he never dreamed of being there.
Special the food and clothes intrigued him, being used to very simple ones.
All did look so more colorful, had such different kinds of taste, he was afraid his food home would seem boring, and he said so.
But Petra said: “when you are home again, you do remember how it was, but it never stands in the way of your daily life, remember that promise?”
That made it a bit easier, his life was not always a celebration like this, and again Petra was the wisest of them.
“We do learn in our bedtime stories, that when you have a party every day, it is not a party, but also not normal living.
So enjoy the day, like he comes, and make the best of times like this, so you have a good memory, for when your day does not go smoothly!”
“Your mom and grandmother must be wise women,” Billy said.
“Well, they must be, for I did grow up in Homeland, were all secrets of life are saved, remember?”
Than the Elder came round to announce the last secret ceremony.
They did announce, that all had to prepare for leaving, when this was over in an couple of hours, while otherwise they would not be home, and in their bed at the right time.
And specially for the kids that was very important.
Billy and Petra did look worried to the heap of sacks, they still had to take home, although they did bring so much already to Nemo.
” Hopefully there will be not to much extra we get,” Petra sighed, “otherwise I am afraid we have to mirror hop several times,” she said.
“Did you not always say: in Homeland all is possible?” Billy laughed.
“Keep trust, all will be alright!”
“Now I do act like I am the one, who is here for the first time, you really are the best friend I can wish, while others may be had laughed about me.”
“That I do, but not about you, but to you, so we laugh together.
So lets go. Time is nearly up.
It will be very, very difficult, not to tell the others about this,” he ended.
“May be we can ask Nemo for writing lessons, in which you have to tell about what you have learned about the world above in the house of knowledge, and than tell about that?
Remember that for tomorrow, but now we have to go,” she urged, pointing to all the others, looking their best, and slowly walking to the Secret Circle.
There the drums were already beating, the flutes and other instruments sounded great.
One could not do different as join the others in rhythm and dance, so all danced, like there was one long chain of dancing people.
The most lovely was, it was like there were beads from all corners of the world, while each did wear the costume of his land of origin, when that still was in use.
Billy had a great look, and wished, he had something, like he had seen Lea use: a video-recorder, so she could save all not only in her head, but also to look at.
But alas, that was not there in the Atlantian bubble.
He had to be happy with very good look.
Than Lea came to dance besides him and softly whispered: “I will send Cindy some photo’s, and she will give them to Petra, but you have to promise, that you keep them safe at Nemo’s house, otherwise it is not fair to your siblings.”
After that she danced back to her own place, behind Cindy.
When the dancing finally was over, Wise Feather sat down with next to him the Lady and the Elder.
Than the speaking began.
Only in this case, most came from the Lady, that was the difference with a Pow Wow on dry land, were people came to solve problems between each other or did seek for healing and consultation.
Wise feather held the talking stick with the eagles feathers on it in his hand, so he was the one who could speak first.
“All my friends from Homeland, and the world we come from, My Lady and the Elders have some special words to say.
So all I will, and can do is thank you all, for being here, and both working that hard, still making it a big celebration.”
Than he gave the talking stick to the Lady.
And as always, everybody could hear each word she said.
The lady also thanked everybody for the hard work, and went on: “I do know, that it looks strange, the small tent in the middle of the secret circle.
We have put it there with a purpose.”
Here everybody, also the kids, looked with much anticipation, for they still did not know for certain, what would come of all their hard work.
“I am glad, you all did also have time to celebrate, to learn, who everybody else is, and what was done already.
It was nice, we nowadays have a big circle of friends, but from olden times on, when there is need for much help, there also do appear a lot of friends.
How come, is one of the secrets, that are saved here in Homeland,” on which word almost everybody did laugh loudly, remembering a time, or circumstance, they did forget about that.
When everybody was calm again, the Lady went on: “as you do know, I have been with Petra and Billy to the Atlantic Bubble, but just as you, I do not know, where precisely it is situated.
Only Nemo told, his ancient books tell, it will be some more years from now, before we will meet outside on dry land.
But he has made a plan, for which he needed all the crystals you together did collect, and sorted.
But to make it possible, to implement this plan, for the little ones, that means to make it come true, we have all to make a sincere promise.
Nobody will tell about this when home, while Atlantis, and their knowledge for now have to stay a mythe.”
Everybody nodded and a buzz went round the circle.
But the tone did say, they did understand, as well that they did expected, that people, who did not have a Homelander friend, would think, this was just another fairy tale or old story.
On went the Lady: “”Starting with the people, were the sun rises earliest this day, everybody comes through the pavilion, together with their Homelander friend.
There me or one of the Elder will give you a task, something you have to take care of. Some will need for that some of the crystals, we gathered near the crystal flag. Others will need something different.
We are not allowed by Nemo to tell each other, what we are going to do with the crystals, for when there is a rumor going around the world, there are so much crystals hidden, greedy people will destroy the balance in Nemo’s healing plans.”
Again a buzz went round the circle, and the Lady did let them talk for a moment, knowing, they better could do that here, as in the world.
When all calmed down again, she went on: “Do not think your mission is less important, when you did not get any stones with you, for it is not.
It is just the best you, and your friend can do on the place you do live.
Or just important for the whole planet, like the boat-cleaning project, you all did hear about, as the new trees, that are going to be planted, to protect the world.
This way, I can go on till tomorrow, when all of you have to be home.
So now I say goodbye to everybody, see each of you in the pavilion, and after that: have a good mirror hop home, and success with your missions!”
After this, she did give Wise Feather his talking stick back.
He used it, to tell everybody, who was a bit impatient, now the Pow Wow was over, to wait his turn, and he did lead all in fine order.
Billy and Petra got an extra message for Nemo, and the words: “You two will have to sort out in your lessons with Nemo a great lot, we still are not allowed to know.
But be brave, and courageous Billy, it cán be you, who is starting to bring the Atlantian knowledge to the humans of dry land.
So still it is important to learn your lessons well, to come in Homeland every now and than, so you will not look to strange about the world of dry land, when you are that one.
Now go, we will meet again.
Do not forget all those information for Nemo!”
After this, they did say goodbye to a lot of friends, and all kept their promise not to tell, what they had to do.
It was a pity, they would not see each other that often, Billy thought.
But on the other hand, not being used to have so many people around, he was very, very tired too.
It was really as Petra and Cindy told before: that one night in the normal world had been a week over here, so they had all the memories, tiredness, and happiness of that week together too.
When they mirror hopped home, they did see, they could bring the sacks to Nemo, and still had an hour of nice sleep to go, before another day began.
© Nan van Daalen, all rights reserved.
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